I saw a lot news recently about the FDA ban NMN , but I don't think FDA will really put into effects by law or send orders to all United States .
FDA have no bad effects report about NMN , they said it is ok for food or drug before their decison, because they need time and more evdients to arpprove NMN .
According to my opinion, FDA will release neutral report and attitude to the sale limitation
1. No real order from FDA, just a ban report.
2. A lot big giant didn't agree with these ban such as Pharm industrial or platform such as Amazon .
3. It is too late to recall the sanction , a lot people was benefit from the NMN as testers
4. If American banned NMN , other country won't follow and welcome the industry transfer and resercher immigrates ?
I think Japan will do it .
anyway , let us see what happens